7 Natural Ways to Keep Bees and Wasps Away From Hummingbird Feeders

Use a Bee-Resistant Feeder: Some hummingbird feeders are designed with built-in features that discourage bees and wasps, such as narrow feeding ports or a design that makes it difficult for larger insects to access the nectar.

Hang the Feeder in a Shady Area: Bees and wasps are typically attracted to feeders by the smell of nectar in direct sunlight. Hanging your feeder in a shaded area may help reduce its appeal to them, as it lowers the scent intensity and keeps the nectar cooler.

Add a Bee Guard: You can purchase bee guards, which are small mesh or plastic attachments that fit over the feeding ports. These allow hummingbirds to easily sip nectar but block larger insects, like bees and wasps, from reaching it.

Use Mint or Eucalyptus: Bees and wasps dislike the smell of mint and eucalyptus. Planting these herbs around your hummingbird feeder can help create a natural barrier.

Try a Sugar Water Mixture with Less Sweetness: Bees and wasps are more attracted to sweeter nectar. By diluting your sugar water mixture slightly (for example, using a 1:4 ratio of sugar to water instead of 1:3), you can make it less enticing for them, while still keeping it suitable for the hummingbirds.

Place a Fake Wasp Nest Nearby: Wasps are territorial and tend to avoid areas where other wasps have claimed their space. Hanging a decoy wasp nest near your hummingbird feeder can discourage real wasps from coming too close.

Keep the Area Clean: Bees and wasps are often attracted to spilled nectar or sugar water, so it’s important to clean the area around the feeder regularly. Wipe down any spills or drips immediately to avoid attracting them to the spot.