How to Repot an Orchid So It Blooms for Years to Come, According to a Horticulturist


Choose the Right Pot

Select a pot that is slightly larger than the current one with good drainage holes.

Use Orchid-Specific Potting Mix

Orchids need a specialized mix (e.g., bark or sphagnum moss) to promote healthy roots.

Gently Remove the Orchid

Carefully remove the orchid from its old pot, taking care not to damage the roots.

Trim Dead Roots

Trim any dead or rotting roots with sterilized scissors to prevent fungal infections.

Position the Orchid Correctly

Place the orchid in the new pot, ensuring the roots are spread out evenly and not overcrowded.

Water After Repotting

Water the orchid lightly after repotting to help it settle in, but avoid overwatering.

Give It Plenty of Light

Orchids thrive in bright, indirect light, which will encourage blooming in the future.

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