10 Signs Your Dog Is Truly Happy (And 5 That Signal Sadness)

Wagging Tail: A wagging tail is one of the most obvious signs your dog is happy. If their tail is wagging energetically, especially in a relaxed, wide motion, it’s usually a sign of excitement or joy.

Relaxed Body Language: A happy dog will have a relaxed posture. If their body is loose and they seem calm, it means they are at ease. A stiff or tense body, on the other hand, may signal discomfort or unease.

Playful Behavior: Dogs love to play when they’re happy. If your dog is constantly bringing you their toys, jumping around, or initiating games, they are in a good mood.

Bright Eyes: When a dog is happy, their eyes will appear bright and alert. They might even squint slightly in joy or excitement, especially during cuddles or playtime.

Contented Sounds: Happy dogs often make content sounds like soft barking, whining, or "wooing." These sounds are usually a sign of engagement and enjoyment.

Relaxed Ears: Ears that are in a neutral or slightly backward position, without being flattened against the head, are a good indicator that your dog is calm and happy.

Affectionate Behavior: If your dog seeks affection, cuddles, or leans into you for love and attention, it’s a sign they feel secure and happy in your presence.