I Tried Ina Garten's Easy Chicken Chili, and the Delicious Recipe Is Perfect for Winter


Simple Ingredients

The recipe uses basic ingredients like chicken, beans, tomatoes, and spices for a hearty, comforting dish.

Flavorful Spices

Chili powder, cumin, and garlic create a rich, deep flavor that warms you up on cold days.

Lean Protein

Chicken breast provides lean protein that’s perfect for a healthy, satisfying meal.

Rich Texture

The combination of chicken, beans, and vegetables creates a filling and creamy consistency.

Easy to Make

This recipe is easy to prepare and can be cooked in a single pot for minimal cleanup.


You can adjust the heat by adding more chili or making it milder with less spice.

Perfect for Leftovers

This chili makes great leftovers, as the flavors continue to develop and taste even better the next day.

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